Thursday, January 5, 2012

Daniel, he laughs

Daniel does not like to go to bed, in fact, he laughs at us when we tell him to go to bed. that's not very nice.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

things people say

People say the funniest things!
A few days ago someone I don't even know said, "you look like you're almost ready to have that baby, when are you due?" I told her I was due in September and she got really excited and said, "you must be having twins then!" I replied that I was only having one baby. Another person in the room then said how being pregnant with a girl can make a person carry out far. Once again I proved them wrong and told them I was having a boy. WOW! I love how excited they were to try to figure me out, and how they weren't embarrassed about it either. I, however, was a little embarrassed. Now whenever people ask me when I'm due, I feel like adding in the fact that I'm not having twins.
I had an appointment with my amazing midwife yesterday for my 28 week check up. When she measured me I was measuring at 31 weeks. This kinda explains why I look bigger than I should. I will have to have an ultrasound to see if I have too much amnionic fluid. It doesn't seem like something I need to worry about, I just need to be watched a little closer. Perhaps I am just going to have a big baby. James was born 2 weeks early at 9lb 10oz. And I was a week early at 8lb. We will see. As for now everything is going good and I feel great!
here is an example of a single baby and twins at 28 weeks. I'm bigger than the one with only one baby, but I don't look as big as the one with twins!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My belly...our baby

It's been a long time since we posted anything! So here are some pictures of my belly at 20 weeks and baby Daniel at 20 weeks.
pic 1: arm
pic 2: foot
pic 3: he's a boy :)
pic 4: nose, lips, chin
pic 5: healthy spine
pic 6: my belly

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Sometimes hollywood makes me laugh and sick all at the same time due to their laziness and unoriginality. this happens to be one of those times. This is called the wilhelm scream. it's in everthing.

Friday, August 6, 2010

We have a winner

James and I won this awesome garlic cutter at Kitchen Kneeds
This is what it looks like:
garlic zoom

we have already made 2 meals with it because we love garlic and this thing makes chopping garlic so fast and easy.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The best exercise program!

Want to loose weight with out even trying? Of course you do! Well this is how you do it: from 9am to 1:30pm (or sometimes till 4pm) clean your house non-stop, make 14 beds (with really heavy blankets), clean 8 toilets, vacuum 4 rooms, dust all surfaces, clean 16 sinks, walk back and forth for the supplies you need, and if you run out of supplies walk up and down 2 flights of stairs to get them, oh and don't eat anything the whole time. Follow these simple rules and you will loose weight like I have! I lost 10 pounds in 3 months! I think that I have gained some muscle too because the blankets on the beds are quite heavy, the vacuums are hard to push, and a load of towels can get heavy too!
I am not trying to complain about my job, because I actually like it. I think it is a lot better than sitting at a desk all day. At first it was really hard, i complained a lot, and my feet and back would hurt, and the hunger pains used to be nauseating. But now my body is used to it and I am enjoying my job. about 3 days ago I was assigned to clean 14 rooms (I normally have 8 rooms). 12 of them were tidy's (where the person is still occupying the room) and 2 were strips (when someone checks out). The 12 rooms that I tidied were each occupied by 3-4 youth from NYC. Wow, they were MESSY! I can usually do a tidy in 10-20 minutes, but these ones took me 20-40 minutes! So I was at work from 9am to about 5pm. The happy part is that all the youth were really nice and they were part of a singing group and they would burst out in song randomly. It was awesome!
The last two weeks of summer vacation will be crazy at the hotel! we will be completely booked and we will go from having 10 maids to only 5, and from 2 laundry workers to 0. I will be 1 of the 5 housekeepers, and I am also going to be taking over the open laundry position. I will be a very busy woman, and happily bringing home the Bacon.